The down side of offering internships is that by the end of one, we sometimes have to say goodbye to some pretty awesome people. Meet Hilke, who just rounded up her internship at our Dutch office and who we foresee having the brightest future.

Hi! My name is Hilke, I’m nineteen years old and live in the beautiful ‘s-Hertogenbosch. I’m currently in the third year of the study media, space and product design at SintLucas in Boxtel. After two years of projects in those directions, I have chosen to specialize myself in spatial design. That is because of the energy I got from working on the spatial projects.
Last year I discovered the festival world. I visited a few festivals, and thought it was amazing how such an event was accomplished. It’s not that I especially came for the music, I mainly came for the experience. The incredible and huge stages were what inspired me. I prefer not to stand on the stage, but in front or behind it. Someone designed this. How nice would it be to see your own design shine on a festival? Suddenly I knew what I wanted to do for work!
What project was the most fun for you?
The various festivals within SQuare I have been able to draw two stages in 3D sketch form that were ultimately approved by the customer. After discovering the festival world, being able to design a stage was a dream of mine. At school I learned to design sketch forms. Here at SQuare, I learned to create an amazing reality image of a creation. It’s beautiful to see how something that comes to mind, to translate it into a sketch and create a realized image of it - and finally have it built!
The trip to Intertabac in Dortmund was also a nice project to be a part of. SQuare let me make a few renders of stands which were already built once we’ve arrived there. It was wonderful to see it in real life. What was set up in the sketches and visuals, looked exactly the same at the fair.
What did you want to become as a child?
Test sleeper at a mattress factory, haha! As a child I liked to write, craft, draw, going on an adventure outside, visiting the Efteling and building an original bedroom together with my parents. But I never really knew what I wanted to become. What I did know, and what I have been told, is that I had to do something with my creativity. The reason I went to SintLucas is to find out what kind of creativity suited me.
What do you hate the most?
Hate is a big word... but leaving my bed in the morning has always been an issue. I just like to sleep! I also do not like having a fight, bullying, and diseases. I think being incurable ill is the worst thing that can happen.
What makes you happy?
I get a good dose of positive energy once I’m socializing and sharing cool experiences. Also, from gaining new experiences too. Planning exciting things, so I can look forward to them. Once I’m busy doing the things I like, I get happy!
Who is your biggest example?
I admire people who are able to develop an unique style. Take Anton Pieck, for which a whole amusement park has used his own style.
Is there a ritual you believe in?
I believe in the ritual that everyone has lunch or a walk together, because you are inspired or informed about other people's activities and can let go of your workflow.
What thing that makes you proud does no one know of?
I don't like having secrets. If I'm proud of something, I tell people around me. Why would I keep those exciting things for myself?
What are your plans for after graduation?
I’m glad that I've found out in three years of studying, that my interests lie with the events/festival industry. That is why I don’t think I want to continue studying after I graduate. With good guidance, I believe that you can learn a lot by doing, just as I learned here at SQuare. Luckily, I still have one internship to go where I can expand my knowledge and network. Maybe by that time something cool has crossed my path...
What was the spark during your internship at SQuare?
SQuare was quite prepared for my internship. I was not immediately thrown in at the deep end, I first received a nice assignment booklet so that I could get used to their way of working. The office felt like a home as you came in. The working atmosphere was very informal and pleasant. I could ask all my questions and they really wanted to help me learn.
I got very excited working on (even small) projects. I learned a lot every day, especially technically I have improved myself. I certainly had a good opportunity during the design phase of some festivals. I am glad I can incorporate all this knowledge into my future!
Are you interested in an internship at SQuare as well and you think you fit the bill? Check out our vacancies page!